The impact of friendships on mental health and happiness

Dear friend, how many friends do you have? What impact do these people have on the different areas of your life? In fact, this impact has little to do with the number of friends a person has, but with the quality, that is, the degree of connection that is possible to build alongside our friendships.

There is scientific research that shows that having friends is an important factor for a happier life and abundant mental health, but let’s face it, you don’t need to be a scientist to reach this conclusion, do you? Having friends is really wonderful.

Below, you will learn about some of the biggest impacts of friendships on mental health and happiness. Check it out!

  • Emotional support

In life, we all have problems. Illness, family conflicts, financial crises, job losses, etc. There are a number of negative events that can happen to anyone. In these moments, having friends helps us to vent and know that we are not alone. Some of them can even help us in practice to resolve these issues, but even if this does not happen, the simple fact of being listened to and receiving advice or a hug already makes a huge difference in mental health.

  • Reduction of social isolation

Many people live alone or with family members. Of course, family is an important emotional support network, but there are times when we need to spend time with other people. There are things that we prefer to share with people who don’t know us very well, or perhaps with people with whom we have more affinities: similar age, common interests, similar professions, etc. Therefore, spending time with friends gives us a sense of “belonging” and acceptance.

  • Increased self-esteem

Having friends means knowing that there are people who like us just the way we are. Of course, no one is perfect, but we like our friends even though we know they have flaws. Likewise, it is gratifying to know that they also welcome us into their lives, despite our mistakes . This process of mutual admiration, typical of true friendships, raises our self-esteem and makes it easier for us to recognize our own value.

  • Resilience in difficult times

When we have friends, we don’t feel alone, at least not emotionally. In the most complicated situations in life, a friend is someone with whom we can share our problems and find a way to overcome them. Therefore, genuine friendships help to promote resilience , that is, the ability to move forward after facing obstacles, no matter how difficult they may be. Who has never felt better after a kind word or after venting, right?

  • Prevention of mental disorders

Psychiatrists and psychologists are emphatic in emphasizing that having a support network is very beneficial in preventing mental disorders, such as depression and anxiety. Spending time with friends provides the emotional support we mentioned above, in addition to sharing many positive moments. This generates a more positive outlook on life in general, which helps in preventing and even treating these disorders. The sense of social connection makes all the difference.

  • Social stimulation and physical activity

Other people have realized that some things become effortless when they happen with other people around. Thus, friends become a driving force for undertaking activities such as learning, cultural events, travel, among others. For example, being alone at the gym is very boring, but doing that particular thing becomes fun to do with a friend. Sharing moments makes it enjoyable and even makes you feel that time runs pretty fast. Enjoy it!

  • Sense of purpose

Our cave-dwelling ancestors realized that life was easier when they were around other people. Evolutionarily, therefore, our species has perpetuated this desire and need for social interaction. For this reason, many people claim that having friends helps them find a sense of purpose and meaning in life. Sharing experiences and goals with friends can strengthen a sense of direction and fulfillment.

  • Ability to deal with stress

Probably as a consequence of all the reasons above, friendships help us to deal better with stressful moments. In the workplace, for example, when employees are friends with each other, it is easier to overcome challenges. We exchange knowledge, help each other and console each other in emotional difficulties. The simple fact of not being alone and having someone to talk to can generate a significant emotional response, alleviating stress.

  • Moments of leisure and fun

One thing that needs to be highlighted is that friendships create moments of leisure and fun. It is with friends that we laugh the most, even at the most embarrassing moments. Going out with friends creates relaxation and fun. In addition, having friends makes plans more attractive and even allows the development of new hobbies . Note that people who have the funniest stories are almost always with friends, even if they don’t have many.

  • Longevity

Finally, there are scientific studies, including some from Harvard University (USA), that have associated the existence of friends with an increase in longevity. This means that those who have friends live better and longer. Therefore, if you want to extend your years here, how about cultivating the presence of friends? Positive social relationships generate a better quality of life, which is essential for reaching older ages.

Yes, there are many benefits to living intensely with our friendships. However, keep in mind that your priority should not be the number of friends you have, but the depth of these connections. This will certainly make a difference in your search for happiness and your mental health!

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