10 ways to disconnect from work

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The office routine can be quite tiring in the medium and long term. So it is essential to find ways to disconnect from work on weekends and especially during vacations. However, hyperconnectivity can make it difficult to disconnect from work obligations. Over time, not relaxing and resting can take a heavy toll. An increasing number … Read more

Integrating personal and professional well-being through mindfulness

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The English term is quite simply the most accepted translation: mindfulness-“full attention.” A very simple meditative practice is mindfulness, wherein the practitioner focuses on the present moment. This meditation has been derived from Buddhist traditions and adopted as a therapeutic practice by medicine, psychology, and in the general promotion of well-being. It basically consists of … Read more

How do you express yourself and find support when no one wants to hear about your problems?

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Everyone has problems. No exceptions. Even the person you think is the happiest in the world has difficulties in some (or several) areas of life. Don’t think that you suffer alone because that’s not true. Don’t believe social media either, because it’s just a snapshot of everyone’s best moments, which also doesn’t correspond to reality, … Read more

Working from home: The new work modality

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Working  from home  , also known as “ home office ”, is the new employment modality throughout the world. Although this  work method has been implemented for several years , it is only now that people understand the meaning of teleworking and its advantages. Working from home is applicable to many professions and jobs, however, there are those who still prefer … Read more

How to save water at home: 10 easy ways

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Though it may not feel like that, water is a resource with limits, and though millions of liters of water exist in the sea, there is not much that is consumable for humans. Today, more than 2 billion people cannot easily access drinking water, and by 2050, demand for water will increase by 20 to … Read more

Why is it important to live in a tidy house?

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The daily hustle and bustle,  lack of time  and procrastination sometimes prevent us from having a  well-organized home . Tidying up is much more than freeing up physical space, it is also about  achieving mental and emotional balance. For example, being disorganized may lead to worry, weariness, and wasted time when we can’t find what we need. This has an … Read more